About Doorway of Hope

Open the door to all of the beauty and joy that life has to offer!

Doorway of Hope is a community-based service, committed to reviving others through various modalities for heart integration to restore confidence, courage and enthusiasm for life.

The basic premise is that boundaries of authority, truth, and safety in a person’s life have been violated through past trauma, wounding, and deceptions.  When the relationship is restored to Father God, one is more inclined and able to obtain salvation, deliverance, healing and enter into freedom and joy. 

When proper boundaries of true identity and authority under God are re-established, then we are free to overcome the enemy of the soul with the assurance freedom can be maintained.  

The goal of self-discovery is to become whole and achieve a greater sense of personal well being (Isaiah 53:5).  This will assist people in getting unstuck from negative patterns, perspectives and past hurts.   

Everyone can benefit in the following areas: 

1. Healing wounds from past trauma brought on by others 

2. Addressing compounded hurt by believing lies about self 

3. Overcoming Unforgiveness 

4. Increasing ability to establish healthy boundaries 

5. Freedom from past patterns and unhealthy behaviors (addictions,    codependency, dual lifestyle/secrecy.) 

6. Freedom from torment, constant restless thoughts; gaining peace, acceptance and grace with self, God and others.  

7. Seeking a greater understanding of who God is and learning to hear his voice.

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Experiences and Testimonials

A Life of Joy, Inner Peace and

Love is Awaiting You Now

To Learn More About Kathleen, Click Here!

*There is a fee for service. See contact page for pricing details.